Monthly Archives: January 2017

Inviting Women’s Leadership in Peacebuilding and Development

We believe the strong, visible, invited, respected leadership of women in peacebuilding and development is essential everywhere in the world. When women share their authentic selves and voices and work together, they take on activities that support the whole community. Women, invited to offer their wisdom and capacity, think and act holistically and when fully participating in structures with men and women, offer ways of working that create inclusive, creative ….Keep reading this post >

Wisdom Circle

CFP is committed to an emergent way of working rooted in cultivating deep wisdom and ongoing action-learning cycles, an internal process and evolving program area we call — Wisdom Circle. We consider this a program because it is foundational for the rest of our work. Accordingly, organizational time and resource is dedicated to deep listening and individual and collective reflection – inviting the wisdom of the moment. This has been ….Keep reading this post >