CFP founder and President Libby Hoffman wrote an article for the Alliance for Peacebuilding’s Building Peace Forum, linking inside-out, community-owned and led peacebuilding to effective Ebola response. Her article highlights the powerful impact of Fambul Tok’s Peace Mothers groups in preventing the spread of Ebola and helping communities respond constructively.
An excerpt:
This ‘inside-out’ approach holds great promise for effective Ebola response, as Fambul Tok’s newly-empowered community leaders are showing us today. The Fambul Tok ‘Peace Mothers’ of Pujehun district came together after their village reconciliation ceremonies to make soap to raise money in support of their children’s education. As the national Ebola crisis deepened and soap for proper hand washing become a more essential—and increasingly scarce—commodity, they stepped up their soap-making initiatives to support national efforts to halt the spread of the disease. With coordination from the national Fambul Tok organization, Peace Mothers in other districts are distributing this soap in their communities while educating their friends and neighbors about proper prevention techniques. They are trusted members of their communities; their messages are heard and heeded.
You can read the rest over at Building Peace.

Blog banner image (c) Sara Terry for Catalyst for Peace