Wisdom Circle

CFP is committed to an emergent way of working rooted in cultivating deep wisdom and ongoing action-learning cycles, an internal process and evolving program area we call — Wisdom Circle. We consider this a program because it is foundational for the rest of our work. Accordingly, organizational time and resource is dedicated to deep listening and individual and collective reflection – inviting the wisdom of the moment. This has been a deeply spiritual practice but not bounded by any particular religious identity or organization.

What started as a process to help CFP president and founder, Libby Hoffman, seek a way forward after almost 10 years of CFP’s life has expanded into principles, practices and an on-going commitment to create organizational wisdom circle space. The space support’s the CFP’s staff in bringing the best of who we are, our calling and what we have to offer to the work of CFP. It invites deep discernment and encourages congruity between actions and the transformative outcomes we hope to see in the world.

Wisdom Circle practices have helped us more clearly see our contribution, individually and collectively, and make decisions that feel embodied and consistent with our values and experience. This approach has led to significant breakthroughs in our programming, including a more visible and active role in Sierra Leone and fully owning inviting women’s leadership as part of our body of work.

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